Trying to work as a Paralyzed woman in the Workforce

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So, this has always been an interesting topic for me. When I started to work two years after my accident, I was afraid. Fear of being treated differently, not accepted and rejected because I am a wheelchair user. My first job as a receptionist/ admin support was very interesting, I had to take an elevator to get to the second floor which was not bad. The part that has always been a challenge is using the filing cabinets that tall. Having to ask others to help me is not easy when other people have jobs as well. Then you deal with other women looking down on you and treating you poorly. You would think it would be the opposite but for me it wasn’t.

Challenges I have faced over the years with multiple different jobs: Having to explain to everyone why I am paralyzed and what I am capable of doing. Trying to fit into bathrooms that some companies don’t make sure are accessible. Other struggles, making sure I can reach things like filing cabinets or certain office equipment. More struggles, like needing to use the bathroom if my legs spasm or I get a UTI, or most common for me when my legs spasm is the fear of peeing my pants. Thankfully Botox, in my bladder helps but there are those occasions.

Honestly overcoming these hard times in work are easier over time. You just have to have back bone up front, be assertive and let them know hey I will need assistance with filing or get me a lower cabinet. The bathroom, well don’t drink as much water haha or tell your boss up front that they need to be okay with frequent bathroom breaks. Companies cannot discriminate and they need to understand your needs. I have gone through a lot of jobs over the last 8 years, mostly insurance jobs but still, I have had my fair share of judgement and bad treatment.

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2 responses to “Trying to work as a Paralyzed woman in the Workforce”

  1. Shane Avatar

    You are a strong woman, and will not be deterred from your goals, you are impressive. I don’t know If this is the platform for this but I just want to give. I commented on your youtube channel about setting up a super thanks button, and you said that you could send me your cash app name, I tried to reply about 5 times to say that that was ok, but I don’t know If It went through or what because when I went back In and I couldn’t see these replies. So I was thinking maybe you could send it through my email? I apologize If this is too intrusive, it’s not ment to be, I didn’t know If I should have waited for your next vlog or what since it didn’t work that way. Thank you for your time.

    1. Racheal Avatar

      Hi Shane,

      I did end up connecting with you for that super thanks button and I did receive your donation to me. I sincerely appreciate it and I want you to know that I am grateful for all the help and support I get.
      Thank you,
      Best Regards,